Dry Lean Concrete (DLC)
vWhat is Dry Lean Concrete ?
vHow To Make It ?
vDifference Between DLC & Conventional Concrete
vWhere To Use?
vIRC Specifications ?
vProcedure to DLC layer
vAdvantages Of DLC
let’s start step by step
¢Dry lean concrete contains less amount of cement paste as compared to the conventional concrete.
¢It is a plain concrete with a large ratio of aggregate to cement than conventional concrete.
¢Thickness of DLC is generally recommended as 100 mm or 150 mm(IRC :SP-49 1998)
¢The maximum aggregate to cement ratio is 15:1
¢The average compressive strength of DLC cubes at 7 days should not be less than 10 n/mm²
Where To Use ?
¢DLC is generally used as a base/sub base of rigid pavement.
¢It avoid mud pumping and give a support for construction equipment and rigid pavement.
¢Before construction of dry lean concrete sub base, the prepared sub-grade is sprinkled with water and moisten the surface.
¢DLC material is laid uniformly by a paver without any segregation.
¢The curing of DLC can be done by spraying the liquid curing compound or it can be done covering the surface by wetted gunny bags.
Advantages of DLC
¢It provides uniform and stronger support to the rigid pavement.
¢It has high resistance to deformation.
¢It has excellent enhanced load transfer efficiency at the joints.
¢It helps for all weather conditions.
¢There is the final reduction in the depth of pavement slab because of DLC as a base layer.
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By:- Er. Ketan Pattekar
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