11+Types Of Cement (2024) - KPSTRUCTURES.IN Uncategorized 11+Types Of Cement (2024)

11+Types Of Cement (2024)



•Cement is “Roman” word

•Cement is a grey powder which is mixed with aggregates and water in order to make concrete.

•Cement is type of glue made for sticking particular substance together (it is Binder).

Types Of Cement :-

  1. 33 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement
  2. 43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement
  3. 54 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement
  4. Rapid Hardening Portland Cement
  5. Portland Slag Cement
  6. Portland Pozzolana Cement (fly ash based)
  7. Portland Pozzolana Cement (dry based)
  8. Hydrophobic Cement Low Heat Portland Cement
  9. Low Heat Portland Cement
  10. Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement

Portland Cement

  1. It is the most common type of cement in general use around the world as a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar.
  2. It was developed form other types of hydraulic lime and is fine power, produced by heating limestone and clay minerals also add 2 to 3 % of gypsum.


33 Grade OPC :-

It is used for normal grade of concrete up-to M-20, ( Plastering, Flooring, etc.)

44 Grade OPC :-

• For concrete grade up-to M-30,( Bridge, Road’s, Multi-storied buildings etc.)

• For marine structures but C₃A should be 5-8%

53 Grade OPC :-

• For concrete grade higher than M-30

• For use in cold weather concreting

• For marine structures but C₃A should be 5-8%

Portland slag Cement :- ( OPC + Granulated slag )

• It gives low heat of hydration. Slag should be more than 50 and up-to 70%

• Marine structures, Sewage disposal treatment pant, water treatment plant.

Sulphate Resisting Cement :-

Amount of tricalcium aluminate (C₃A) is restricted to lower than 5% & 2C₃A + C₄AF lower than 25%

Portland Pozzolana Cement :-

•It gives low heat of hydration and reduces the leaching of calcium hydroxide. This cement should be used only after proper evaluation.

•Hydraulic structures- Dams, retaining walls.

•Mass concrete work- like bridge footings.

•Under aggressive conditions.

Hydrophobic Portland Cement :-

• It is manufactured on special requirements for high rainfall areas to improve the shelf life of cement. The cement particles are given a chemical coating during manufacturing which provides water repelling properties and cement is not affected due to high humidity & stored for longer period.

Low Heat Portland Cement :-

•It is suitable for making concrete for dams and many other type of water retaining structures, bridge, massive retaining walls, slabs, etc.

•In mass concreting there is often considerable rise in temperature because of the heat produced as cement set hardens. The shrinkage which occurs due to tensile stresses in concrete, may result in cracking. The use of low heat cement is advantage since it evolves less than OPC.

Rapid Hardening Cement :-

•It is used for repair and rehabilitation works and where speed of construction and early completions is required due to time limitations. And also used in cold weather concreting ( < 5% ).

Thank For Visiting…

Er. Ketan Pattekar

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