Initial Setting Time And Final Setting Time Of Cement - KPSTRUCTURES.IN

Initial Setting Time And Final Setting Time Of Cement

Setting time of cement:
When cement is mixed with water, it hydrates and makes cement paste. This paste can be moulded into any desired shape due to its plasticity. Within this time cement continues reacting with water and slowly cement starts losing its plasticity and set harden. This complete cycle is called Setting time of cement.
1) Initial Setting time of Cement:- 
 Generally Initial setting is the time elapsed between the moment water is added to the cement to the time at which paste starts losing its plasticity.
 Time to which cement can be moulded in any desired shape without losing it strength is called Initial setting time of cement
 The time at which cement starts hardens and completely loses its plasticity is called Initial setting time of cement.
 The time available for mixing the cement and placing it in position is an Initial setting time of cement.
For Ordinary Portland Cement, 
The initial Setting Time is 30 minutes.
2) Final setting time of Cement:-
 The time at which cement completely loses its plasticity and became hard is a final setting time of cement.
 The time taken by cement to gain its entire strength is a Final setting time of cement.
 Final setting time of cement is the time elapsed between the moment the water is added to the cement to the time at which paste has completely lost its plasticity and attained sufficient firmness to resist certain definite pressure.
For Ordinary Portland Cement, 
The Final Setting Time is 600 minutes (10hrs).
Standard Specifications :-

By – Er. Ketan patekar


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