Types Of Joints In Water Tank
Lets Discuss About Various “Types Of Joints In Water Tank”
ØThe joints provided in water tank are classified, as per the IS 3370 (part-1):2009
A) Movement Joints
1) Contraction Joints
2) Expansion Joints
3) Sliding Joints
B) Construction Joints
C) Temporary Open Joints
vMovement Joint :- In this type of joint, relative movement between the adjoining part of tank. Such as wall and floor slab is permitted.
1)Contraction Joint :-
•Contraction joint purpose is to Maintain contraction of concrete.
•It is a movement joint with deliberate discontinuity without initial gap between the concrete on either side of the joint.
•A contraction joint may be either complete contraction joint or partial contraction joint.
•complete contraction joint is one in which both steel and concrete are interrupted.
•In complete contraction joint, the mouth of the joint is filled with joint sealing compound and then strip painted.
•partial contraction joint is one in which only the concrete is interrupted, the reinforcing steel running through.
2) Expansion Joint :-
•expansion joint provided to Maintain either expansion or contraction of concrete.
•It is a joint with complete discontinuity in both reinforcing steel and concrete.
•This type of joint requires the provision of an initial gap between the adjoining parts of a structure which by closing or opening accommodates the expansion or contraction of the structure.
•The initial gap is filled with joint filler.
•Joint fillers are usually compressible sheet or strip materials used as spacers.
•With an initial gap of 30 mm, the maximum expansion or contraction that the filler materials may allow may be of the order of 10 mm.
•An expansion type water bar shall be provided either centrally in a wall or on the soffit of a floor.
Sliding Joint :-
•It is a joint with complete discontinuity in both reinforcement and concrete and with special provision to facilitate movement in plane of the joint.
•This type of joint is provided between wall and floor in some cylindrical tank designs.
•It allows two structural members to slide relative to one another with minimal restraint.
vConstruction joints :-
•This type of joint is provided for convenience in construction.
•Arrangement is made to achieve subsequent continuity without relative movement.
•One application of these joints is between successive lifts in a reservoir wall.
•The number of joints should be as small as possible and these joints should be kept from possibility of percolation of water.
•The position and arrangement of all construction joints should be predetermined by the engineer.
vTemporary joint :-
•A temporary open joint is a gap temporarily left parts of a structure, which after a suitable interval and before the structure is put into use, is filled with mortar or concrete completely as shown in fig, or with the inclusion of suitable jointing material as illustrated in.
•when the gap is filled with concrete, width of gap should be sufficient to allow the sides to be prepared before filling.
By Er. ketan Pattekar
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