Concept Of Stress And Strain Hooks Law
Stress And Strain Hooks Law
Stress And Strain
There are two types of stress:-
1) Normal Stress
2) Shear stress
1) Normal Stress:-
If the internal resistance force developed is perpendicular to areas in consideration, then stress developed is called as normal stress.
} It is detonated by “σ”
} Unit:- N/mm2
2) Shear stress:-
If the internal resistance developed is parallel to the area in consideration then the stress developed in the section is called as shear stress.
}It is denoted by “τ”
When a body of elastic material is subjected to an
axial load the body is get deformed.
The change in dimension upon the original dimension
is called strain.
}There are different types of strains
1.Linear strain
2.Lateral strain
3.Volumetric strain
Relation Between Stress & Strain (Hook’s Law)
}When a body of elastic material is subjected to an axial load the body get deformed up to the elastic limit. normal stress is directly proportional to the linear strain. And the ratio of normal stress to linear strain is const know as modulus of elasticity.
Concept Of Stress And Strain Hooks Law In PPT here
Concept Of Stress And Strain Hooks Law
Video Below
By:- Er. Ketan Pattekar
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