•The Chemicals Used To Improve The Properties Of Concrete & Cement Know As Admixtures.
•Properties Like Strength, workability, Durability, Hardening Time etc.
•Admixtures Can Be Divided Into 2 Groups Or Forms That Is:
1) Chemical Admixtures
2) Mineral Admixtures
Before Going With Types Lets Discuss About Functions Of Admixtures
Function Of Admixtures :-
•To improve workability of concrete.
•To reduce evolution of heat.
•To improve durability.
•To accelerate setting & hardening thus produce high early strength.
•Reduce shrinkage during setting & hardening.
•To reduce some chemical reactions.
Types Of Admixtures :-
Chemical Admixtures :-

- Accelerator :-
-Added to increase the rate of hydration of concrete mix which then lead to increase in the rate of development of strength and greater heat evolution
-Shorten the setting time
-More rapid gain of strength
-Possible to cracking due heat
- Water Reducing Admixtures :-
– Used to reduce amount of water necessary to produce a concrete
– To obtain specific strength at lower cement content
– Disadvantage, it has risk of corrosion
- Shrinkage Reducing Admixtures :-
– Able to reduce the amount of shrinkage that occurs as hardened of concrete
- Super plasticize :-
-Allows the particles to be more workable where it enable working with low w/c ratio
-Enhances hydration process, increase strength
-Advantage is Decreased time to place and finish and also Accelerator curing period
- Air Entraining Admixtures :-
– Able to reduce segregation tendency and control of bleeding
-Workability increases, increased durability etc
- Retarding Admixtures :-
– Prolong or delay the setting time of cement paste in concrete
– Used in hot weather condition
- Corrosion Inhibitors :-
– Able to reduce the rate of corrosion to a level that major damage to concrete will be avoided or at least greatly reduced
- Alkali Aggregate Reaction Inhibiting Admixture :-
– Lithium And Barium Salts Can Reduce The Expansion And Cracking Associated With Alkali Silica Reaction
Mineral Admixtures :-

- Pozzolanas
- Fly Ash
- Silica Fume
- Rice Husk Ash
- Metakaoline
- Blast Furnace Slag
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